Summer is here and you may be eagerly anticipating the Fourth of July. Known for being a laid-back holiday full of friends, family, and fun, many of us enjoy spending time with our pets as well. Be sure to steer clear of common pet pitfalls by keeping these Fourth of July pet safety tips in mind, so that everyone can enjoy the fun.
Fourth of July Pet Safety at Holiday Picnics and Barbeques
Some pets do better than others at large gatherings. Consider your pet’s personality before bringing him or her along to the Fourth of July festivities. If you are hosting, be sure that your pet has a place to retreat from the commotion. During the party, be on the lookout for:
Potential Pet Toxins – Chocolate, alcohol, and the artificial sweetener xylitol are all commonly found at gatherings and are toxic to pets if ingested. Keep an eye on your pet to be sure that he or she does not ingest anything that could be harmful.
Objects That Pets Shouldn’t Eat – Excited pets often eat things that we would never believe. Foreign objects can cause digestive upset or even become lodged in the digestive tract. Commonly ingested items that have a high potential to cause problems include corn cobs, fruit pits, meat skewers, tin foil, string, and gravel (often soaked with meat drippings). Overindulgence of non-toxic foods can also lead to digestive upset and even pancreatic inflammation.
Open Flames – Pets do not know how dangerous a fire pit or fireworks display can be. It is the pet owner’s responsibility to keep them safe around these hazards. Also note that matches and lighter fluid can be very harmful if ingested.
Pets and Fireworks
Many of us humans enjoy a good fireworks display, but some pets dread them. There are several things that you can do, however, to help make the holiday a little more bearable.
Leave Your Pet at Home – While it may be tempting to bring a frightened pet with you to your holiday engagements, most pets do best in a familiar place.
Create a Pet Safe Zone – Try to create an area in your home where your pet can feel safe. An inside room where loud noises and bright lights are less apparent is ideal. Playing music, turning on a TV, or using a fan may also help to drown out noise from the outside.
Keep Your Pet Indoors – Letting your pet outside unattended while it is scared is almost certain to result in an escape or injury.
Make Sure Your Pet Has ID – You never know when a frightened pet might get away from you. Pets should wear a collar and tag with your contact information. Also consider having your pet microchipped.
Ask for Help – If your pet has a really hard time with fireworks, let us know. We may be able to help with behavioral suggestions or prescription sedatives in some cases.
Pets and Swimming
Taking a dip can be a great way to cool off this summer, and many pets enjoy getting in the water. Swimming can be dangerous, though, so be sure to take proper precautions when allowing pets to swim.
The Fourth of July is a wonderful holiday, and with some planning you can enjoy it with all of your friends and family, including your pets. We hope that you have a safe and very enjoyable holiday!
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We know that choosing the right veterinarian for your pet (and you) can be a challenge. Yet, with our stress-free handling, our long-term, experienced staff, and a state-of-the-art facility, we make the decision an easy one!