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Our Blog

My Aching Belly: Recognizing Tummy Trouble in Pets

A bad stomach ache can trump just about anything your body can throw your way.…

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Give Your Cat a Window to the World with a Catio!

There’s no denying that indoor cats live safer, longer lives than their outdoor counterparts. Indoor…

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Enjoy! Schertz Animal Hospital’s Top 10 Pet Care Blogs of 2017

You may have noticed this empowering sentiment on our homepage: “Loving Your Pet and Needing…

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Lion at Heart: Understanding the Domestic Cat

Watching your cat in their natural habitat can be amazing. Even the most pampered housecat…

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Smarty Cat: Can You Measure Feline Intelligence?

Cats are known to be fairly savvy at solving problems, but the full extent of…

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A Home for the Holidays: Best Pets for Kids

Are you thinking of bringing home a pet this holiday season, but you’re not sure…

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What’s Fun and Free? Our DIY Pet Toys!

While festive, the holiday season can also be expensive! With all the shopping and travel,…

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Kitty On the Potty: Can We Toilet Train Cats?

We thought the self-cleaning litter box was pretty phenomenal when it hit the market, but…

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What Makes Cats Anxious: Things  Your Cat Wishes You Knew

Have you ever considered the possibility that your cat is stressed out? Our homes may…

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Cut The Fat To Avoid Pancreatitis In Pets

Picture this: a couple of hours after the big Thanksgiving meal you are settled comfortably…

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