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A Look at Anthrozoology: Why the Bond With Your Pet is Unique

The human-animal bond is one steeped in great history. From the cave paintings in Lascaux…

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Fluid Overload:  Congestive Heart Failure in Pets

While cardiovascular disease in people often comes in the form of heart attacks and strokes,…

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Beyond the Bored Pet: The Case for Environmental Enrichment

Just like us, animals require activities that keep them mentally and physically active. Though we…

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The Problem with Pee: Urinary Tract Infections in Pets

The symptoms may sound familiar: accidents in the house, posturing to urinate frequently, and asking…

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When Good Livers Go Bad: Pet Liver Problems

As far as internal organs go, the liver is generally underrated. It is not an…

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Hypothyroidism in Dogs

Hypothyroidism is a condition that causes low thyroid function, most commonly among dogs (although cats…

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Dog Fights and Other Forms of Canine Aggression

Dog fights can be terrifying – especially when one of the pugilists is your beloved…

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Chow Hounds and Curious Kitties: GI Obstructions in Pets

Just like babies, our pets tend to explore the world with their mouths, especially puppies.…

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How to Clean Dog Ears with Confidence

Most pet owners are a little apprehensive when it comes to cleaning ears. How do…

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Summertime Paw Care and Safety

Despite how much we rely on them, feet are often taken for granted. The same…

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