Vet Approved People Food for Pets

Vet Approved People Food for Pets

Kitty in RefrigeratorYou have probably run across those long lists of foods deemed not safe to give your pets. If you are like the vast majority of the animal-loving population, though, you probably can’t resist sliding a little food from the table to your favorite furry friends.

So what foods are okay, and which are an absolute no-no? Keep reading to learn some options for people food for pets that have received a stamp of approval here at Schertz Animal Hospital.

Makings of a Good Treat

In general, most veterinarians instruct pet owners to steer clear of people foods. There are a few reasons for this. The first is that there are a handful of food that we eat that can be harmful to pets. The second is that a majority of pets in this country are overweight, and most animals simply don’t need the extra calories.

If you are going to feed your pet extras from your plate, there are some general rules of thumb you will want to follow. Be sure that any people food you give to your pet is:

  • Not known to be toxic
  • Not likely to cause trauma (as in the case of bones)
  • Thoroughly cooked
  • Unlikely to cause digestive upset (low-fat, non-lactose, easy to digest)
  • Not heavily seasoned
  • Low in salt
  • Low in calories

If you stick to these basic qualities in a pet treat, you are unlikely to run into any issues.

People Food for Pets

Most of us know that chocolate, grapes, and a glass of wine are not things we should offer our pets, but what people food is okay?

There are quite a few favorite treats for pets that fall into this category. You can try:

Lean proteins – Small amounts of lean chicken breast, white meat turkey, tuna in water, a spoonful of plain yogurt, or a plain scrambled egg can make good choices for pets.

Fruits and veggies – As long as they are not on the toxic list (grapes, raisins, onions, garlic, avocados), they are probably fine to try. Many dogs enjoy baby carrots as a treat. Some might think blueberries, sweet potatoes, or watermelon are the bee’s knees. Cats and dogs alike often enjoy plain, canned pumpkin.

Simple grains – Small amounts of simple carbohydrates are fine to try. A few Cheerios, a spoonful of white rice, or some plain popcorn make enjoyable treats.

Higher calorie treats – Fine in moderation, a little peanut butter or some spreadable cheese (never use the molded cheeses, however) is a great treat, especially if the pet needs to work for the reward a little. We love Kong toys for this purpose. Be sure any reduced sugar peanut butter you might choose does not contain Xylitol.

If you like to bake, the internet is also full of ideas for homemade pet treats. The sky’s the limit!

People food for pets isn’t necessarily off the table as long as you use a little common sense. Making smart diet choices isn’t just for people, it’s for our pets, too.

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