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The Often Misunderstood Symptoms of Pet Allergies

When you think of allergy symptoms, what comes to mind? Sneezing is likely at the…

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help pet take medication

How to Help a Reluctant Pet Take Medication

Aside from the dreaded task of tooth brushing, many pet owners struggle with administering medications.…

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Trimming Pet Nails Like a Pro

Many owners find the idea of trimming pet nails intimidating (if not downright terrifying!). That’s…

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The Search is On: The Best Pets for Allergy Sufferers

For those who adore fur companions, there are few things more devastating than finding out…

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Understanding Cat Bites and Learning How to Respond

Based on the books, the movie franchise “How To Train Your Dragon” encapsulates the wonder…

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Bug Off! Why Pets Need Year-Round Heartworm Prevention

For many of us, mosquitoes are only troublesome in the spring and summer…right? Well, scratch…

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A Pain in the Rear: Anal Gland Problems in Pets

Many of us can identify the familiar stench of a skunk, but did you know…

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Cat Anxiety: Helping Your Pet Cope

Ask any feline fancier what he or she dreads most, and the answer is usually…

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Cat Nip: Cat Bites and How to Prevent Them

When cats bite, it is nothing to mess around with. Cat bites can be extremely…

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Dog Bite Awareness

When you consider a dog who is likely to bite, what comes to mind? If…

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