Read Our Blogs

Read Our Blogs

No Fondue For You: Why Chocolate Is Bad For Pets

If you’ve ever made your own pet treats or inspected the ingredient list on the pet food label, you’ve probably noticed the absence of chocolate. Tied with Xylitol, grapes, raisins, onions, and garlic, chocolate is at the top of the list of foods your pet should never eat. But why is chocolate bad for pets?…

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Pet Emergencies: Are You Prepared?

If the thought of responding to an emergency situation has you in a panic, you aren’t alone. Any emergency situation affecting a family member or loved one not only involves our quick thinking but it also involves our emotions. A medical emergency involving a beloved pet brings up similar responses. As with any emergency, preparedness…

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A Serious Threat: Cold Medications and Pets

Cold and flu season is settling in, and while we hope that your family is staying healthy, don’t forget to think about your family pets and the impact your illness may have on them. Oftentimes, while we are fighting off a sickness, we are taking cold and flu medications to help us do so. Many…

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Keeping Your Pets Active During Hibernation Season

Staying active in the colder months is all about finding ways to keep little toes and noses comfortable on those wet, windy days. Although it doesn’t generally doesn’t get that cold here in Schertz, anything that makes your pet turn their nose up at heading out the door probably means they won’t be getting enough…

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New Year’s Resolutions – For You and Your Pet

The holidays gave us so much to be thankful for and excited about; but now that the new year has arrived, we are poised for reflection, inspiration, and motivation. To that end, we at Schertz Animal Hospital have brainstormed some New Year’s resolutions that we hope are easily adopted and attained by both you and…

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Counting Down Schertz Animal Hospital’s Top 10 Blogs of 2014

We have certainly covered a lot of pet health related topics during 2014, and it has been our pleasure to write about the issues that matter most to our readers. After all, most of us turn to the internet to answer some of our day-to-day pet health questions, to inform us on what to expect…

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It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (To Spend With Your Pet)

The holidays can be truly magical with all the twinkling lights, enchanting gingerbread houses, galloping reindeer hooves, and more. If you weren’t able to attend the Festival of Angels this year, hopefully your sense of nostalgia transported your imagination to a far-away, snow-covered, elf-filled fantasy land. But, in all of your holiday fulfillment, what is…

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Tail-Wagging, Meow-Inspiring Gift Ideas for Pets

While your family tears into those brightly-wrapped gifts during your family’s festive gathering, you may also witness the sad faces of forlorn pets who also want to participate in the merriment. And, if you are like the majority of pet owners in the United States who buy their pets gifts, your pet may just be…

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Winter Safety and Your Pet

Typically, when we think about winter risks and worries, we often associate such problems with those who reside in colder, snowier climates. After all, it’s mild in Texas – so winter is no problem, right? And, while this is partially true when it comes the consistent deep freeze and snow storm risk of more northern…

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A Thanksgiving Message From the Staff at Schertz Animal Hospital

When we think of Thanksgiving, we often consider what is most meaningful to us: friends, family, health, and the fulfilling moments of laughter, togetherness, and experiences that comprise a life. Here at Schertz, we are especially grateful for the family of pet guardians and their beloved furry family members entrusted to our care. For more…

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