Schertz_iStock_000015133785_LargeEach year, many of us make our routine doctor’s appointments or the annual “check-up”. During this exam, we often are weighed, our blood pressure is taken, and other standard tests we have come to expect are included. While it may not be the most exciting of things to attend to, we do it because we believe in the efficacy and value of preventive care and to avoid emergency or serious health situations. And, thankfully we have such diagnostic tools to help us stay our healthiest.

This same approach can also be applied to our pets. Pet preventive care also encourages annual exams and diagnostics. Preventive care can be correlated with a reduction in pet emergencies and the sudden onset of serious health complications. And, it is also paramount to giving our pet the best chance for optimal health and longevity.

Preventive Care and How it Reduces Health Risks

There are many incredible tools and treatments we have in veterinary medicine to prevent common illnesses and diseases. In addition to preventive protocols, we are also able to diagnose conditions and diseases much earlier than ever before thanks to advances in lab-based diagnostics and radiology technologies.

With better screening and treatment, pets are living longer, healthier lives. But, this also relies on follow up and maintaining annual exams, the foundation of preventive care.

Some of the risks to pet health that have been reduced thanks to preventive care include:

  • Mosquito- and flea-borne illnessesYear-round preventives are necessary in our moderate climate, where diseases such as heartworm, Lyme disease, West Nile Virus, and leptospirosis are found.
  • Parvovirus and highly contagious illnesses – Vaccinations are also a part of preventive care and have made it possible to prevent serious illnesses such as canine parvovirus, feline distemper, and rabies.
  • Periodontal disease and secondary infections – Dental diseases can sometimes remain undiagnosed and therefore untreated, leading to pain and infections that can damage the heart, kidneys, lungs, and liver. Your pet’s annual wellness exam includes important dental check-ups and recommendations for daily dental care.
  • Obesity and nutritional deficiencies – Changes in your pet’s weight are often difficult to gauge until there has been a dramatic impact. Obesity contributes to increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease, and can reduce life expectancy. Preventive care encompasses optimal weight and weight management through balanced nutrition and prescription diets formulated for a range of health conditions and dietary needs.
  • Ringworm, hookworm, and other zoonotic parasites – Internal parasites can create many problems for your pet’s internal systems and can also be transmitted to your family – especially young children. Routine parasite screening prevents these internal parasites from being transmitted or impacting your pet’s health.
  • Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases – Blood tests can tell us a lot about what is happening internally and often provide the red flag warnings. Changes in white blood cell count, thyroid function, electrolytes, or blood sugar levels can indicate an underlying illness or beginning of disease. Early detection allows us to begin treatment sooner and monitor for future changes.
  • In addition, senior pets often experience more rapid changes to health and mobility, which is why we recommend pets over the age of 6 years be seen twice yearly.

    Through annual preventive care, many pet owners are spared the worry, remorse, and financial toll of an unexpected pet emergency caused by a preventable illness or condition that could have been treated sooner.

    Prevention-based care has changed the way we view health and has made it possible to prevent so many illnesses, debilitating conditions, and diseases that once devastated. Thankfully, we have a strong understanding of the correlation between preventive medicine and the lifelong well-being of our pets.

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