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A Glimpse at the Differences Between Big and Small Dogs

If you take a good, hard look at a Pug and a German Shepherd, it…

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When the Time Comes: How to Help a Friend Cope with Pet Loss

The loss of a beloved pet is a day every pet owner dreads. The heart-wrenching…

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Out and About: The Top Ten Places You Can Take Your Dog

It used to be fairly common to see a “no dogs allowed” sign posted at…

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Case by Case: Caring for a Pet With Arthritis

Has your pet been extra cautious attempting a jump that previously resulted in success and…

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The Goody Bag: What to Know About Pets and Parties

A charmingly social pet can add a great deal of fun to any festive party.…

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Is Your Pet a Picky Eater? What to Do When Your Pet Won’t Eat

One thing we can count on from pets, especially from our canine companions, is a…

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Dogs Behaving Badly: Dogs Who Eat Poop

Dogs can be gross creatures at times, and most of us have seen our beloved…

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Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Cat Drool

Sometimes as a pet owner you find yourself asking questions that you never thought you…

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How to Leash Train Your Cat (Seriously!)

If you’re one of the many feline owners who feel a bit envious every time…

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The Challenges of Flat-Faced Dog Breeds

It is easy to understand why Bulldogs, Pugs, and Pekingese are so widely loved. Not…

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