Training & Behavior
Why Does My Cat Lift Their Paw? A Guide to Cat Body Language
Of course, context matters when discussing body language and meaning. Our cat friends are funny little creatures who are hard to understand. Instead of speaking our language, cats, like ourselves, use their bodies to communicate with others. We can tell what our cat buddies tell us and feel through their tails, ears, body, and eyes.…
Read MoreMeowing, Chirping, and More: A Guide to Cat Sounds
Cats are cute creatures that love to make sounds to express their emotions, needs, and desires. It is funny and also heartwarming to hear a cat meow, chirp, and purr. Each of these common cat calls and sounds, though, have unique meanings. It is not enough to know the sound that your cat makes. You…
Read MoreWhat You Need to Know About Dog Heat Exhaustion
Dog heat exhaustion can be deadly, especially if it is not taken care of as quickly as possible. Just like humans, dogs can overheat and pass out. Too much sun and heat suck the moisture from the air, making it harder to breathe. Dogs have ways of cooling themselves down, especially during the hot summer…
Read MoreCanine Noise Aversion
A majority of dogs suffer from canine noise aversion. This condition is not rare. It can affect puppies, older dogs, and even cats, although the condition does have a different name when related to felines. Certain loud noises and pitches affect dogs by instilling fear and anxiety. If your dog is suddenly fearful of a…
Read MoreDog Training Tips to Reduce a High Prey Drive
Every dog should know at least a handful of commands like “sit”, “stay”, “down”, and “leave it”. Not only can commands help owners stay in charge of their dogs, but mastering obedience can keep dogs safe. But what about the safety of local wildlife, such as birds, rabbits, squirrels, and rodents? For dogs with a…
Read MoreCat Behavior: What Your Cat Wishes You Knew
We love our cats. They keep us entertained, challenged, and inspire us with their beauty. They can also be confusing creatures, aloof one minute and affectionate the next. It can take years to understand cat behavior and what your cat is trying to tell you; but once you do, there is no denying that cats…
Read MoreIs My Pet Happy?
We all know what it takes to look after a pet: food, fresh water, shelter, basic medical care and, of course, lots of love and attention. For many pet owners, modern life makes it easier than ever to provide these basic necessities for the animals in our lives, giving us much more time to devote…
Read MoreLeaving Your Dog Home Alone: A Practical Guide
Many of us would take our dogs with us wherever we go… And it’s relatively easy to do in our fair city. But there are some instances where we can’t take our best fur pals along, as work, social gatherings, and certain restaurants may not allow pets. Leaving your dog home alone doesn’t make you…
Read MoreReasons To Use Dog Diapers
If you’ve had kids or have friends who do, you have likely been through a diaper experience. Did you know there are a variety of reasons for pets to wear diapers, too? Believe it or not, there are products made especially for dogs. At Schertz Animal Hospital, we want all of our pet patients to…
Read MoreSo, Your Dog Eats Cat Poop?
Do you have a peaceable kingdom made up of dogs and cats in your household? If so, you may not mind the cats sleeping on the dog beds, and the dogs playing with cat toys. All in all, the joys of having a mixed household of dogs and cats is great. Except for when your…
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