Want to Adopt a Cat? The Reality After the Choice

Most cat owners can recall the minute they first laid eyes on their cat. Yes, when a connection between human and feline is initially formed, it’s sort of a game changer. Life, as you knew it, was altered by a cute, playful fluffball. Sometimes, a person sees enough funny cat videos online to seal their…

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Funny Bones and Bow-HAHA! Do Pets Have a Sense of Humor?

When was the last time you heard your pet LOL? Probably never, but you may have had moments when your cat or dog did something goofy and almost seemed to smile. This begs the question: do pets have a sense of humor? The team at Schertz Animal Hospital set out for answers, and here’s what…

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When do Hairballs Turn From Normal to Worrisome?

There are “holidays” for almost everything these days. From “International Talk Like a Pirate Day” (September 19) to “Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day” (February 3), there’s an endless variety of things to celebrate. The last Friday in April is just one of those days: National Hairball Awareness Day. You’d think with a country-wide drive…

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Having Kittens? Your Guide to Your Furry Bundles of Joy

Ah, the miracle of life! At Schertz Animal Hospital, we think that what makes life even more wonderful is when you are expecting little, fuzzy faces and whiskers! Cats are pros at having kittens, but when it is your cat having them, it is only natural to be a little apprehensive about the whole process.…

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Give Your Cat a Window to the World with a Catio!

There’s no denying that indoor cats live safer, longer lives than their outdoor counterparts. Indoor cats enjoy protection from temperature extremes, infectious agents, predatory wildlife, traffic, and other dangers. Although our kitties are better off indoors, anyone who has witnessed a cat stare longingly out the window, or make a mad dash for the front…

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Lion at Heart: Understanding the Domestic Cat

Watching your cat in their natural habitat can be amazing. Even the most pampered housecat will spring into stealthy action when an errant mouse or a dastardly dust bunny comes into sight. That’s because the cats we welcome into our homes aren’t all that different from a lion or other big cat. Domestication does have…

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Smarty Cat: Can You Measure Feline Intelligence?

Cats are known to be fairly savvy at solving problems, but the full extent of feline intelligence remains unknown. Many cats can open doors, use and flush the toilet, hack into automatic feeders, and locate well-concealed toys, but they still don’t get recognition for their smarts the way dogs do. What gives?

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Kitty On the Potty: Can We Toilet Train Cats?

We thought the self-cleaning litter box was pretty phenomenal when it hit the market, but now the chatter is more focused on potty-training felines. Yes, you read that right: no longer is it considered impossible to train cats to do anything anymore. And, if we can train cats to do something like crate train or…

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What Makes Cats Anxious: Things  Your Cat Wishes You Knew

Have you ever considered the possibility that your cat is stressed out? Our homes may be peaceful and happy places for our cats most of the time but, like people, cats can become stressed or anxious from time to time. And, like people, how well they handle stress depends upon their inherent dispositions as well…

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Cats in Costume? What to Know Before You Dress Up Your Cat

People with little or no experience with a cat might think it’s just a smidge away from sheer lunacy to play dress up with one. There are solid reasons to back up this prejudicial logic, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t dress up your cat. If you’ve ever wondered whether or not your cat…

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